
Discuss is an online discussion module for the custom innovative e-learning environment developed and used by the Department for Design and Assessment of Technology (IGW) at the faculty of Computer Science, Vienna University of Technology. It is the practical part of my master's thesis about the topic of asynchronous online discussion from an interaction design perspective.

Discuss was developed in django/python and jQuery/javascript, based on the existing technical infrastructure used for the e-learning environment. Below are links to the thesis document and a screen capture demonstrating the core festures of the application.

I am currently hosting a live demo of the system under the link below. This version was modified significantly, to untie it from the other structures of the IGW e-learning framework it was based on. It still includes (partly modified) structures for account and course management taken from that framework, and those parts are, of course, still products of the work the people who worked on them at IGW. Currently, there are several pre-registered user accounts. If you'd like to give it a try, send me a mail and I'l provide you with login data.

link to a live demo

thesis document [pdf, 7mb]